Hey there--has anyone gotten SMAC working on ChromeOS? I've installed the GOG version on Crossover, but on launch I can't see anything, just a black screen. The sound works, and it seems to respond to keyboard input--if I press enter a few times, I can hear the menu selection noise, and even the 'Planetfall' sequence once I've apparently started a new game. But the screen just remains all black.
so given there's lots of chromebooks.. mine isn't rooted and that's where most of my problems stemmed from i think, at least initially.
you need to start by editing the 'Alpha Centauri.ini' which without root and access to the files created in virtual machine that crossover creates is kind of a pain in the a$$.
go to manage under the program in crossover and you'll want to run the windows prompt
then you need to change directory to the gog folder like this
C:>cd GOG GamesSid Meier's Alpha Centauri
once the directory is changed you have to run notepad to edit the ini with
c:> ~blahblahblahstart notepad 'Alpha Centauri.ini'
It is gonna say it doesn't exist but it does just select create one.
the right ini text is available in another thread just copy and paste it into then select save as, change the type to .txt, and save it as 'Alpha Centauri.ini'
NOW in the ini file youre gonna wanna take the # off the very first entry for direct draw, that will solve widescreen issues.
i got mine to run for about 30 odd years then it always crashes.. i don't know what's going on and the built in troubleshoot for crossover does nothing for me.
hope this helps you get it working but i'm abandoning crossover for a linux vm build into my chrome os unless someone else can help me figure out why it's crashing. maybe i need some of the unofficial patches, but given i don't have root access, i'd have no idea about doing that, you'd probably be able to do it with the command prompt but i don't want to do that tedious shite. the above is about the extent of my command line wizardry..
The update to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, marked version 1.5.2b1, is designed to fix a compatibility problem with Apple's recently released Mac OS 9.1. Under some conditions, black pixels in the.
Software Release – these releases are considered full-version releases and contain new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Zemax manual 2012 edition.
Alpha Centauri Patch 4.0 (US/UK)
The version 4.0 patch of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, with lots of fixes and improvements. See more info for a changelist.
· Check out the new landmark: the Manifold Nexus, a ruined remnant of an extensive alien complex with a mysterious relationship to the Planet itself. The faction possessing the Nexus inside its territory enjoys an improved relationship with Planet (+1 on the Social Engineering scale).
· You can now see AI player's social engineering settings.
· Wheelmouse support implemented for most listboxes and when picking production choices.
· Singularity reactors now have 40 HP, so they are balanced in psi combat.
· The AI no longer can use missiles beyond their designated range.
· You can no longer use long-range fire via right-click when out of range of the target.
· Automated formers no longer build bunkers prior to having the required technology.
· The Self-Aware Colony now correctly halves maintenance.
· The Space Elevator now correctly doubles mineral production when building satellites.
· Units should no longer switch their home bases automatically.
![Sid meier alpha centauri compatibility patch download Sid meier alpha centauri compatibility patch download](http://lparchive.org/Sid-Meiers-Alpha-Centauri/Update%2029/16-g1509_004441.jpg)
· The game no longer locks up when all players choose factions in a MP scenario that aren't present and END OF TURN is selected.
· Airdropped transports no longer leave cargo behind.
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· You can no longer switch the AI's governor settings from the F4 screen.
· If you zoom to a base from the F4 Base Operations screen, when you return to the F4 screen you can now use the PgUp and PgDn hotkeys to scroll the window.
· Loading a map in the scenario editor after generating one now updates the minimap.