Usb Drivers For Sony Ericsson Live With Walkman Ics Average ratng: 3,7/5 4425 reviews

The Sony Tablet P Drivers helps in resolving the connection problems between a Windows Computer and the device. Once the drivers are installed successfully a proper connection can be established between the two devices which helps in transferring the data to and fro from Phone to PC.


  1. Download the latest Sony PC Companion
  2. Download the latest Flashtool
  3. Download the latest Android 4.0.4 (ICS)

Keep these files into one folder in desktop for easier access during our installation.

Setting things up Nvidia quadro k4000 driver.

  • Install Flashtool
  • Copy the file WT19i_4.1.B.0.587.ftf downloaded in step 3 to your installed Flashtool/firmwares
  • Install Sony PC Companion, connect your mobile and check for detection in PC Companion.
  • Go to installed Flashtool/drivers and run Flashtool-drivers.exe. Install all drivers [All not needed, but we do it for the sake of not searching and ticking]. This will take a while.To check if everything is set up properly, connect your mobile, open FlashTool, and you should see the messages as they appear in the picture below.


  • Run Flashtool
  • Click on the ‘flash’ button
  • Select ‘Flashmode’
  • DO NOT touch anything and press Flash.

Files will be prepared now. Until it gets prepared, turn off the phone. Untill a new dialogue box appears where they show an animation of switching to flash-mode. Press the volume down key and connect the mini-USB simultaneously to boot to flash-mode on mobile.

This won’t take long, and in a bit you will be ready to use Android 4.0.4 .