Victory conditions and first steps Factions - Sparta TW: Rome II Guide. Post Comment. Sparta, Macedonia and Epirus I suggest attacking your northern enemy from the very beginning (you can use a crossing located in the middle of the bay, so you will avoid trespassing Athens territory). Your first target should be Larissa and after.
Sparta starts the game with only one region with small settlement and no sea access. Due to its specific location you do not have many options. From the very beginning Sparta is at war with Epirus but enemy movements are blocked by Athens and possible reaction of your ally - Macedonia. Sparta's task is to defeat the opponent, gain an access to the sea and expansion according to chosen victory conditions.
The core of Sparta's army consists of highly trained and armored hoplites - the best available in the game. In addition Sparta takes much from war experience of Macedonia; hence it can use pikemen and cavalry. As support you can use perioikoi and helots - units of dubious quality but enough to harass the enemy.
Starting bonuses
Sparta is one of three Greek countries available in the game, so it has bonuses specific for them:
- Classical Heritage: +2 cultural conversion
- Fierce Independence: +10% melee defense for all units during battles in own or allied territory
In addition Sparta has two bonuses and one penalty:
- Spartiate Warriors: +1 experience rank for Spartan infantry recruits
- Helot Repression: -25% servile unrest
- Laconic Austerity: -10% wealth from industrial and commerce buildings
The most important available units
Spartan hoplites
Very well armored, heavy infantry of Sparta. It is very resistant to damage but has average ability to attack so it is better suited as 'anvil' than 'hammer'.
Royal Spartans
Elite hoplites serving for Sparta. They have excellent armors and high attack effectiveness, so they are able to deal with any other elite available in the game.
Spartan pikemen
Spartan pikemen are not the best units of this type but are effective enough to hold the formation center. When flanking by Spartan hoplites, they are difficult to remove from the battlefield.
Perioikoi peltasts
Javelinmen used to harass enemy. Thanks to equipped shields, they are resistant to enemy fire.
Citizen cavalry
Medium cavalry used during trampling enemy skirmishers and flanking light and medium infantry. Thanks to good armor and melee defense, they are able to stand against some enemy cavalry units.
Tarantine cavalry
Horse skirmishers equipped with javelins and shields. They inflict much damage but range of their attack is small, so light cavalry is able to easy get them and defeat them.
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